Thursday, June 5, 2008

d days whn u feel loved n d days whn u feel lonely...

It’s one of those days when you want to speak to someone and when you want to be alone…
It’s one of those days when I know what I want to say..
It's one of those days when you want to say so much and when little comes out...
It’s one of those days when I realize how little I haveIt’s one of those days when I wonder whether who I am is, what I hoped to become...
It’s one of those days I don’t feel like writing a lot...and make things perfect…
It’s one of those days I want things to be the way they are- imperfect and not pretending that they aren’t...
It’s one of those day where you don’t know if you want to cry or laugh…
It’s one of those days when you don’t know why you have done or are doing certain things…
It’s one of those days when I realize that in doing what I felt was right for me, I have wronged so many....
It’s one of those days where you feel lonely in a crowd…
It’s one of those days when nothing but self peace matters…
It’s one of those days when my desires take over my wishes..
It’s one of those days when I look for appreciation in everyone's eyes..
It’s one of hose days when no words can describe love for someone…
It’s one of those days when silence seems better than words…
It’s one of those days when one thinks the self is only worth your love and at the same time it is not…
It’s one of those days when I want my past to take over my future…
It’s one of those days when I want to sit in dark and search for light…
It’s one of those days I realise that my true friend is just me as is my true enemy…
It’s one of those days when I am gloomy and blue….
It’s one of those days when I realise no matter how far we may be, you will always be there for me…
It’s indeed one of those days where the person you are is questioned and doubted…
It’s one of those days which I wished you never brought up as it is these one of "those " days that makes those days ahead one of these days again…

It’s one of those days for me……..

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What do I want from a friend???

Do I need somebody to share my secrets? Like most people I have my problems and complexes. And like many people I prefer to keep them with me rather than sharing. That's so coz' many a times this sharing amounts to weakness. U never know how a person may use it against u. May be only in an argument...

Do I want you to love me? One cannot be sure of anybody's love if you are as paranoid as me (U reading SG?). What love? Don't get me wrong, I believe in truth and love and honor, esp. when it comes to friends and close relatives. But have we come that far?

Advice? As a good friend you can always advise me. If you are also intelligent and far-sighted ;)
I will give weight to your advice and even play along to see how it goes. But in the final analysis I will change only if I want to. I am what I am and I will be so.

Learning? I will learn if you want to teach and I will retain it if I like it

Are you my friend if I help you? I can help a stranger with as much dedication as I help a "friend". The help does not make anybody special in my world. It does not amount to the person using me or getting something out of me either as I do it of my own volition. Give to live.

All I really care about is “acceptance” and “reliability”….. And, God-damnit, will not change to earn it... Accept me as I am what I say. With all your deep understanding and stuff all I give a damn about is if u r on my side OR strong enough to tell me I am wrong and going to hell! Don break ma "trust"…….eva! This is all that takes to have me by ur side through thick and thin. And yes, always keep money and friendship separate: Both are important in lyf I hate losing either ;o)

And btw what do you want? :o)